📈👀 Top CEO Trades this Week (August 11)

Including a director with a 100% win rate

Welcome to this week’s edition of CEO Watcher. We track the trades of the insiders with the best historic returns so we can buy their stock when they do.

This week we found:

  • A director at $MACK with a 100% win rate

  • The CEO at $ADV with 71% returns

  • A director at $SRPT with a $3.7M purchase

👀 Top Insider Trades this Week

🥇 Eric Anderson - Director at MACK (link)

This week, he bought over $2.6M worth of the stock which is his second-largest purchase ever (the largest being $2.8M). He started buying the stock again at the beginning of this year after not purchasing any since April of 2021. He made a handful of purchases in January and March of this year all with the stock price between $11 and $12.

Historic Returns and Win Rate

  • Overall: 46% returns with a 100% win rate (16/16 trades)

  • 1-year: 43% returns with an 82% win rate (9/11 trades)

  • 90-day: 17% returns with an 82% win rate (13/16 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $2,658,741

  • Purchase Price: $12

  • Current Price: $12.56 (+5%)


  • Rating: 8

  • Why: Pretty good returns and win rate. The stock is up slightly over the last month (+6%) and has been pretty flat this year.

🥈 David Peacock - CEO at $ADV (link)

Sweet name.

This is his second purchase of $ADV since he took over as CEO in January of 2023. His last purchase worked out quite well. In May, he bought almost $260k when the stock price was $1.61 and is up 71%.

Historic Returns and Win Rate

  • Overall: 71% returns with a 100% win rate (6/6 trades)

  • 1-year: 31% returns with a 100% win rate (5/5 trades)

  • 90-day: 2% returns with an 80% win rate (4/5 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $132,570

  • Purchase Price: $2.65

  • Current Price: $2.76 (+4%)


  • Rating: 7

  • Why: The stock has been on a tear since mid-April (up over 130%), but the CEO seems to have confidence it will continue. The low rating isn’t higher due to the fairly low number of trades (and most of them are from when he was a director at Stifel Financial from 2017-2020), meh 90-day returns, and the fact the stock is up over 130% in the last few months.

🥉 Michael Chambers - Director at $SRPT (link)

Over the last year, he seems to buy the stock anytime it falls into this range.

Previous Purchases:

  • 2022-09-14: Bought $6M at $104/share

  • 2022-08-19: Bought $5M at $108/share

Historic Returns and Win Rate

  • Overall: 0% returns with a 50% win rate (1/2 trades)

  • 1-year: N/A

  • 90-day: 12% returns with a 100% win rate (2/2 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $3,701,067

  • Purchase Price: $106.15

  • Current Price: $109.72 (+3%)


  • Rating: 6

  • Why: The purchases are large and all around the same price, so he seems to believe the stock is worth more than this. The stock did get up above $150 a couple of times this year already, so maybe he is on to something. There just isn’t enough history or good enough returns to give this a higher rating.

💰 Other Insider Trades

John Malone - COB at $LXSMA (link): Billionaire John Malone did a bunch of buying and selling this week. It looks like it has to do with some stock restructuring going on at Liberty. He ended up buying ~$5M of stock and selling ~$25M.

Dustin Moskovitz - CEO at $ASAN (link): As you know from previous emails, Dustin has been gobbling up over $1B of Asana stock over the last couple of years. He is WAY underwater on these purchases but continues to buy. This week, he purchased another $3.5M at $21.55/share.

Jay Sugarman - CEO at $SAFE (link): He has been buying up the stock since May while it continues to fall. He started buying at $26 in May and just made his largest purchase ($1M) this week at $21.40.


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