🤖📈 Top CEO Trades for July 7

Including a director with 134% one-year returns and a 10% owner with a 94% win-rate

This is CEO Watcher. We are tracking the trades of the CEOs with the best historic returns so we can buy their stock when they do.

This week was pretty slow, but we found:

  • A 10% owner with a 94% win-rate

  • A director with 134% one-year returns

  • 4 insiders bought $1M of $AENT

👀 Top Insider Trades this Week

🥇 Value Capital Partners Yorhen - 10% Owner at $LSAK (link)

They have been buying up the stock since May (6 purchases for over $500k total) when the stock fell from over $4 into the mid-$3s.

Historic Returns and Win Rate

  • Overall: -2% returns with a 56% win rate (17/30 trades)

  • 1-year: 35% returns with a 94% win rate (16/17 trades)

  • 90-day: 18% returns with a 76% win rate (19/25 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $26,071

  • Purchase Price: $3.57

  • Current Price: $3.63 (+2%)


  • Rating: 7

  • Why: They have a pretty great win rate, have been buying up a bunch of the stock over the last couple of months, and have decent returns. Their overall returns/win-rate aren’t good and this week’s purchase isn’t very large which moves the rating down a little.

🥈 Heerema International Group - Director at $CDZI

They don’t have much history of making purchases in public stocks, but their returns and win rates are killer.

Historic Returns and Win Rate

  • Overall: 27% returns with a 67% win rate (2/3 trades)

  • 1-year: 134% returns with a 100% win rate (1/1 trades)

  • 90-day: 27% returns with a 100% win rate (3/3 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $800,000

  • Purchase Price: $4

  • Current Price: $3.48 (-13%)


  • Rating: 7

  • Why: Killer returns and win rates, but this is their smallest purchase (their other 3 were above $3.5M each) and they’ve only made 3 previous trades which makes this risky and prevents the rating from being any higher.

🥉 Group Purchase of $AENT

The CEO, Chief Business Officer, and 2 directors all bought $250k each of the stock. This is everyone’s first purchase of $AENT, so we don’t have any history.

Historic Returns and Win Rate

No previous trades

Purchase Data (this week)

  • Total Amount Purchased: $250,000

  • Purchase Price: $3

  • Current Price: $2.25 (-25%)


  • Rating: 5

  • Why: The stock is down over 25% in the last month and these four insiders bought $250k of stock each. The lack of history makes it impossible to give a higher rating.


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