🟨🤑 Top CEO Trades this Week + a Senator Sold his Bank ETF

Tom Carper sold his bank ETF before the banking crash and a VC at Kleiner Perkins is buying up this stock.


The banks are dying, but the CEOs are buying. So let’s get into the top CEO trades from this week!

Senator Tom Carper sold his bank stocks!

Bank stocks got crushed this week, but Senator Carper did not because he fully sold out of his bank ETF two weeks ago (he also sold some of his QCOM holdings for 120% returns). You can see all of Senator Carper’s trades and many other politicians by visiting our Yellowbrick Politicians page.

As previous readers will know, our main project is Yellowbrick, a social investing platform that helps you find new trade ideas by showing you the best, verified trades from other investors right when they happen. You can see a feed of the best trades from other users on Yellowbrick alongside the public profiles we curate like Nancy Pelosi and the CEOWatcher account.

Here are a couple of other trades from this week (join Yellowbrick to see all the trades and get notified when top investors make a new trade):

  • Fading the AI earnings pop

  • Profiting off shady insider activities

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Top CEO Trades of the Week

Reminder: you can read about how CEO Watcher works and how we calculate returns and win rates here

Beth Seidenberg - Director at (link)

Beth is a partner at Kleiner Perkins (the well-known venture capital firm) and has been picking up shares of VERA on behalf of Kleiner since February of this year.

Beth has only made three purchases before she started buying VERA, but she has now bought VERA six times since February 9th at an average price of ~7.14 for a total of $2.46M. Notably, the stock plunged in December after mixed data from one of their trials and it’s now sitting 60% below where it was trading in November.

Three previous purchases (before buying VERA):

  • 2019-10-30 (+145% 90-day returns | +90% 1-year returns)

  • 2016-03-18 (+19% 90-day returns | +332% 1-year returns)

  • 2012-07-06 (+11% 90-day returns | +145% 1-year returns)

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 127% returns with a 100% win rate (8/8 trades)

1-year: 317% returns with a 100% win rate (3/3 trades)

90-day: 21% returns with a 100% win rate (3/3 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $177,292

Purchase Price: $7.24

Current Price: $7.48 (+3.3%)


Rating: 8

Why: The only downside here is the lack of history (only 3 previous trades), but everything else looks good: the stock price is down significantly, she has been buying up a bunch of the stock over the last month, and she has great returns.

Thomas Presby - Director at (link)

This director made his largest purchase ever while the stock is still down nearly 30% after missing Q4 earnings 10 days ago.

He only has 4 previous purchases total and only one previous purchase of MEG (which was purchased in MEG’s IPO as part of a directed share program). So he has a very limited history of purchases, but he has nailed all of them.

Previous purchases:

  • 2020-07-29 (+72% 90-day returns | +256% 1-year returns)

  • 2017-05-12 (+27% 90-day returns | +100% 1-year returns)

  • 2015-12-10 (+4% 90-day returns | +31% 1-year returns)

  • 2011-11-10 (+48% 90-day returns | +66% 1-year returns)

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 196% returns with a 100% win rate (4/4 trades)

1-year: 92% returns with a 100% win rate (4/4 trades)

90-day: 30% returns with a 100% win rate (4/4 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $180,775

Purchase Price: $36.16

Current Price: $33.67 (-7%)


Rating: 8

Why: Basically the exact same reasoning as Beth. The only downside here is the lack of history (only 4 previous trades), but everything else looks good: the stock price is down significantly, it’s his largest purchase ever ($33k higher than his second largest and 90% higher than his average), and he has great returns.

Elijo Serrano - CFO at (link)

The CFO at TTI just made his 7th purchase of TTI and five other insiders also bought the stock this week. The last time 6+ insiders at TTI bought the stock in the same week was the week of June 23rd, 2020, when the stock was at $0.46. Over the next year the stock 9x’ed (!!) to over $4.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: -35% returns with a 16% win rate (1/6 trades)

1-year: 61% returns with a 100% win rate (6/6 trades)

90-day: 13% returns with a 50% win rate (3/6 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $103,500

Purchase Price: $3.45

Current Price: $3.43 (-0%)


Rating: 7

Why: What makes this trade the most interesting is that it’s only the second time a group of execs at TTI all bought the stock at the same time. The other time this happened (June 2020), the stock 9x’ed over the next year. Elijo tripped our trigger due to his impressive 1-year returns, but the rest of his returns are sub-par.

Lisi Stevens - CEO at (link)

Lisi made her 11th purchase of XAIR this week. She doesn’t have the highest returns you’ll ever see, but the stock is down over 40% in the last 6 months and 60% since its all-time high near the end of 2021, the COO and a director also bought shares, and Lisi does have strong returns and win rates.

These purchases just happened yesterday and it looks like the market caught wind of them as the stock opened up 9% this morning before fading.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 10% returns with a 60% win rate (6/10 trades)

1-year: 24% returns with a 77% win rate (7/9 trades)

90-day: 21% returns with a 70% win rate (7/10 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $298,355

Purchase Price: $5.97

Current Price: $6.06 (+1.5%)


Rating: 6

Why: Her returns aren’t the highest we’ll see and this is just an average purchase size for her, but the stock being down, a COO and Director also buying the stock, and her strong returns and win rates are all positives.

Thank you for reading CEOWatcher by Yellowbrick 🟨🤑. This post is public so feel free to share it.

Have a great weekend!

Connor V.


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