πŸ“ˆπŸŸ¨ Top CEO Trades of the Week

A Director with a 100% hit rate just bought another $5.5M of this stock! Plus, 4 more interesting insider trades!

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday week!

How our CEO Watcher Bot Works

Due to a separate project we are working on, we pay over $3,500/month for certain APIs and stock data that allows us to not only track new insider trades (lots of places do that), but also calculate the historic returns for these insiders (nobody else is doing that)! We can use that info to determine which insiders tend to buy their stock when the price is low and make good returns

Because we have access to this data, we decided to cobble together a few of the APIs provided by our data providers along with our internal β€œStock Data Service” that we have spent the last year building so we could provide these insider trades WITH their returns. We are currently tracking over 3000 insiders and adding more every day.

We hope you find it useful :). We plan on making it even more useful now that we have the basics built out, but if there is any other data you would like to see, feel free to let us know!

Top Insider Purchases This Week

Lu Hongbo - Director @ (Form 4)

Lu just made her 4th ever public stock purchase and 2nd largest ever. Of her previous 3 purchases, she has never missed. She is 3/3 with average 90-day returns of 75% and average 1-year returns of 185% (though only her first purchase was over 1 year ago, so it’s the only one we have 1-year returns for).

She has been gobbling up almost $15M worth of shares since August as the price has been rising.

Most Recent Purchase Info

Amount Purchased: $5.5M

Price Paid: $7.25

Current Price: $10.20 (+40%)

Jack Levine - Director @ (Form 4)

Jack just made his 7th ever public stock purchase of and his 2nd biggest. Of his 7 purchases, only 1 has had negative all-time returns (his last purchase from June of this year is down 40%), but his average returns are insane: +155% average 90-day return and +800% average 1-year returns. Now, these are mostly due to three purchases he made in June of 2020 that returned 200% average 90-day returns and over 1,400% average 1-year returns, but he also made two more trades later in 2020 that had over 200% 1-year returns.

He made his first purchase since 2020 in June of this year (his biggest trade ever), but it has gone terribly and is down over 40%. Overall, he has still had positive returns on 5/6 of his previous BLNK trades with insanely high average returns (even when you include him being down 40% on his most recent trade), but all of his good trades came in 2020. Did he just get lucky in 2020, or does he know that BLNK is due to rocket again?

***It should also be noted that he is also a director of and has made two purchases of that have also gone terribly (-50% average 90-day returns and -80% average 1-year returns).

Most Recent Purchase Info

Amount Purchased: $102,200

Price Paid: $10.22

Current Price: $10.94 (+7%)

Katherine Wanner - Director @ (Form 4)

Katherine just made her 6th purchase of and her largest ever (by over 4x). On her previous 5 trades, she has positive overall returns on all of them with 80% average 1-year returns and 60% average overall returns. However, she hasn’t been as good short term, with only 2 of her 5 previous trades having positive 90-day returns and the average 90-day return being -3%.

With the stock down almost 20% in the last month, she is buying at nearly the same price she could in 2021 and bought the most stock she ever has (by over 4x).

Most Recent Purchase Info

Amount Purchased: $140k

Price Paid: $41.79

Current Price: $42.51 (+1.7%)

Lemuel Amen - Director @ (Form 4)

Lemuel just made his 7th purchase of and the largest ever. Of his previous 6 purchases, 5 of them were up significantly in the next 90 days with average 90-day returns of 40%. However, he is actually down overall on all 6 of his previous purchases. So he seems to do a good job buying up stock before it goes on a short-term run, but then the stock craters long-term (his average overall returns are -34%)

Most Recent Purchase Info

Amount Purchased: $110k

Price Paid: $2.88

Current Price: $3.03 (+5%)

Bonus CEO Purchase

Tobi Lutke - Director @ (Form 4)

You may know Tobi as the CEO of Shopify, but he is also on the Coinbase board and has been gobbling up Coinbase shares for the last 4 months. He has purchased almost $7M of Coinbase stock ranging from prices as high as $97/share all the way down to $32.58/share (his most recent purchase).

He said on Twitter (link) that this is an automated plan he set up because he believes directors should have skin in the game and he is putting his money where his mouth is. It’s gone poorly for him so far as Coinbase stock keeps tanking, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

Most Recent Purchase Info

Amount Purchased: $370k

Price Paid: $32.58

Current Price: $35.39 (+9%)

Have a great New Year!



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