🟨🤑 Top CEO Trades (week of 2023-02-17)

44% returns on one of our first finds + a Director making his first purchase in 7 years!


Let’s take a look at a big CEO Trade win and a couple top trades from Yellowbrick. Then we will dive right into the top CEO Trades from this week!

CEO Trade Win + Top Yellowbrick Trades

As previous readers will know, our main project is Yellowbrick, a social platform that helps you find the best trades on the internet right when they happen. You can see a feed of the best trades from other users on Yellowbrick alongside the public profiles we curate like Nancy Pelosi and the CEO Watcher account.

Here are some of the best trades this week:

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Top CEO Trades of the Week

Reminder: you can read about how CEO Watcher works and how we calculate returns and win rates here

Charles Hayssen - Director at (link)

A very interesting one here as he bought the stock 17 times (very successfully) between 2012 and 2015 but then took a 7+ year break before making another purchase this week.

The overall returns are incredibly high which is just due to all of his purchases being over 7 years ago. The more interesting returns are his 81% one-year returns and 18% ninety-day returns.

Last week, we also found the Chairman (who also has great returns) at CLFD bought some stock as well (link).

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 475% average returns with a 100% win rate (18/18 trades were profitable)

1-year: 81% returns one year after purchasing with an 82% win rate (14/17 trades)

90-day: 18% returns with a 88% win rate (15/17 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $181,500

Purchase Price: $60.50

Current Price: $61.10 (+1%)


Rating: 8/10

Why: The only real downside here is that there has been a 7-year gap between his last purchase and this one which is quite odd. The upsides here are that his returns are incredible, we have a decent amount of trade history (17 previous trades), this is his largest purchase ever (just barely), the chairman bought the stock last week, and the stock is down over 50% since December.

John Sughrue - Director at (link)

He just bought $100k worth of stock for his first purchase since May of 2022. This is a pretty average purchase size for him based on his previous 9 purchases, but the stock is down 30% over the last year and he has pretty good returns.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 35% average returns with a 100% win rate (32/32 trades were profitable)

1-year: 70% returns one year after purchasing with a 75% win rate (6/8 trades)

90-day: 35% returns with a 66% win rate (6/9 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $99,918

Purchase Price: $27.36

Current Price: $27.79 (+1.5%)


Rating: 7/10

Why: He doesn’t have the greatest win rate, but when he is right, he is really right (4/8 trades were up 70% or more after one year). It’s also a holding company that owns a regional bank in Texas and a boutique hotel which is typically much less volatile than the pharma companies we often see.

Austin Philip Singleton Jr - CEO at (link)

Not a ton of history, only 6 previous purchases, and 3 of them have been since the end of November. His first 3 purchases were all during COVID and had killer 183% one-year returns. He then started purchasing again in November of 2022, with the following purchases:

  • Bought $190k at $31.45 on November 21, 2022

  • Bought $30k at $31.21 on December 12, 2022

  • Bought $105k at $30.44 on December 21, 2022

  • Bought $72k at $28.92 on February 9, 2023 (this trade)

As you can see, he has been buying up the stock as the price has dipped over the last 3 months.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 117% returns with a 71% win rate (5/7 trades)

1-year: 183% returns with a 100% win rate (3/3 trades)

90-day: 18% returns with a 67% win rate (2/3 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $72,300

Purchase Price: $28.92

Current Price: $30.10 (+4%)


Rating: 7/10

Why: The downside is just the lack of history for him. The fact that he has been buying up stock since the end of November and the stock has actually fallen about 4% in that time could be bullish in that he still believes the stock is undervalued and hasn’t started going up yet or bearish in that he just might be wrong.

Michael Weiss - Executive Vice Chairman at (link)

This one is quite interesting for a handful of reasons:

  • Michael Weiss has great returns on his previous 5 purchases (1 was buying FBIO and the other 4 were TGTX where he is CEO and President). He averages 120% one-year returns and was profitable on 4 of his 5 purchases (the first ever purchase was -14% after one year)

  • 5 other directors and executives bought the stock as well. The only other time multiple directors/execs bought the stock was in November of 2014 and the stock went up over 125% by the following March

  • The stock is down 17% since the purchases

Now, the main downside here is that this was a public offering where they agreed to sell 16.6M shares (link) to “several institutional and accredited investors”. Generally, people view capital raises like this as a negative, but the 2014 purchases were part of a private placement (similar situation) and that worked out. Honestly, I’m not quite sure how much it should lower the score of this trade due to these purchases being part of a capital raise.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 120% average returns with an 80% win rate (4/5 trades were profitable)

1-year: 120% returns one year after purchasing with an 80% win rate (4/5 trades)

90-day: 20% returns with a 60% win rate (3/5 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $1M

Purchase Price: $0.835

Current Price: $0.69 (-17%)


Rating: 6/10

Why: The fact that these purchases are part of a capital raise is the only thing keeping this from being an 8 or 9 out of 10 (the lack of history - only 5 previous trades - keeps it from being a 10/10). I’m just not sure how bearish that is (if it’s bearish at all).

Thomas Schuetz - CEO at CMPX -3.54%↓ (link)

We first wrote about this streak of purchases Thomas has made two weeks, so read more details about it in that email (link).

The gist is that Thomas had only made one purchase before May of last year and has now made 19 since then. He took a pause from buying the stock in September as the stock skyrocketed above $5, but he started buying again two weeks ago as the stock was back down near $4.

The stock did just pop 11% yesterday, but it only brings it up to the price that Thomas was buying at two weeks ago.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 51% returns with a 90% win rate (19/21 trades)

1-year: 63% returns with a 100% win rate (2/2 trades)

90-day: 46% returns with a 94% win rate (17/18 trades)

Purchase Data

Total Amount Purchased: $77,200

Purchase Price: $3.86

Current Price: $4.29 (+11%)


Rating: 5/10

Why: Same reasoning as the previous email (link). These pharma/bio/therapeutic companies are always risky as they are dependent on the results of their clinical trials/FDA approvals, but they also tend to offer the highest upside and give us clear catalysts to keep an eye on. In this case, the catalyst is continued good news on their CMPX trials and good results when the trial finishes in January of next year. The inherent riskiness of this space and the fact that nearly all of his purchases have happened within the last year is why I can’t go above a 6 here, but if you follow this space, I’d definitely keep an eye on this.

Have a great weekend!


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