🟨👀 This Real Estate Insider Bought $23.5M of Stock

Plus a director with 31 insider purchases since October and 4 insiders at WDFC buying the stock


This week we have 3 new insider stock trades:

  • A director that has bought $23.5M of stock since the summer of 2022

  • A director with 31 purchases since October

  • And 4 insiders at WDFC buying stock

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Top CEO Trades of the Week

Reminder: you can read about how CEO Watcher works and how we calculate returns and win rates here

Adam has been picking up the dip in Remax since the Summer of 2022. He started buying after the stock fell almost 50% from the low $40s in 2021 to the low $20s in Summar 2022. The stock has continued to fall down into the high teens, and he has continued to buy.

We don’t have much history on him since his first Remax purchase was less than a year ago and he hasn’t had very good returns so far, but he has now purchased $23.5M worth of stock since 2022 which definitely gets our attention.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: -1% returns with an 83% win rate (13/17 trades)

1-year: N/A

90-day: -5% returns with a 42% win rate (5/12 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $547,911

Purchase Price: $18.68

Current Price: $19.06 (2%)


Rating: 7

Why: He doesn’t have good returns as Remax stock has continued to fall, but the stock has flattened out over the last 6 months and he has bought a ton of stock. Could it finally be bottoming?

Wes has been buying up APLD stock since May 22nd of 2022 and really started to pick up the frequency in October (31 times since then!). He started buying the stock when it was between $3.50 and $4.50 and then really picked up the frequency of purchasing when it dipped down into the $2s.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 40% returns with a 97% win rate (34/35 trades)

1-year: N/A

90-day: -5% returns with a 75% win rate (15/20 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $87,500

Purchase Price: $3.50

Current Price: $3.34 (-4.5%)


Rating: 7

Why: With a market cap of just under $100M, Wes (on behalf of B. Riley Asset Management) has bought up a few percent of the company over the last 6 months. His 90-day returns aren’t great (due to his first few large purchases in May 2022 going down quite a bit in the following 90 days), but he has been doing well overall and has been buying a ton of stock.

Unfortunately, we don’t have much history on these insiders as the first purchase by any of them was just in October of last year, but this is the first time they all bought at the same time.

They collectively bought $267,366 worth of stock.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 10% returns with a 100% win rate (2/2 trades)

1-year: N/A

90-day: 9% returns with a 100% win rate (1/1 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $267,366

Purchase Price: $179.08

Current Price: $189.10 (+5.5%)


Rating: 6

Why: Not enough history to have much confidence in these purchases, but a group of insiders buying a stock with no explanation will always catch our attention

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