👀📈 This Insider Bought $10M in Stock this Week

Plus two bank Presidents buying the banking dip


This week we have 3 new insider stock trades:

  • 🏦 A bank president/ceo with good returns buying the dip

  • 🏦 Another bank president/ceo buying the dip (their largest purchase ever)

  • ☀️ A solar director that bought $10M in stock

Top CEO Trades of the Week

Reminder: you can read about how CEO Watcher works and how we calculate returns and win rates here

Gerald Plush - President and CEO at (link)

The stock is down over 30% in the last two months due to the bank crash and Gerald just made his second-largest purchase ever and first purchase since mid-2022. His overall returns aren’t good at all (mainly because he made a handful of purchases in 2021 that are now underwater), but his 90-day and 1-year returns are awesome.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 4% returns with a 25% win rate (2/8 trades)

1-year: 92% returns with an 86% win rate (6/7 trades)

90-day: 25% returns with a 100% win rate (8/8 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $45,422

Purchase Price: $18.17

Current Price: $18.68 (+3%)


Rating: 7

Why: His purchase size isn’t massive, but it is the second largest purchase he has ever made and came after a big stock crash. The stock has been flattening out over the last week, so he may believe it’s time for a rebound. His low overall returns and relatively small purchase amount keep this from being higher, but still pretty compelling.

Jeff Dick - President and CEO at (link)

Another bank President and CEO buying up their stock after a 30% dip. His returns aren’t as good as Gerald (above) and he doesn’t have as much history, but this is his largest purchase (almost 20x bigger than any others)

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 2% returns with a 16% win rate (1/6 trades)

1-year: 42% returns with a 100% win rate (2/2 trades)

90-day: 5% returns with an 80% win rate (4/5 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $245,514

Purchase Price: $21.50

Current Price: $21.45 (+0%)


Rating: 7

Why: His returns and history aren’t as good as Gerald’s, but this was his biggest purchase by a mile and was made after a big dip in the stock price.

Thurman Rodgers - Director at (link)

Thurman just made his first two purchases of Enphase Energy and they are pretty massive. He has made a handful of purchases of other companies where he is a director and he has some decent returns on those.

Returns and Win Rate

Overall: 5% returns with a 68% win rate (13/19 trades)

1-year: 37% returns with a 25% win rate (1/4 trades)

90-day: 131% returns with an 57% win rate (4/7 trades)

Purchase Data (this week)

Total Amount Purchased: $10,059,380

Purchase Price: $165.32

Current Price: $162.21 (-2%)


Rating: 6

Why: This is the first time he has ever bought Enphase, so we don’t have any history on him buying this stock. However, the purchase is massive (it’s the biggest insider purchase this week), the stock is down 45% in the last 6 months and 30% in the last week due to terrible earnings, and he has decent returns (though they are very high risk, high reward).

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