πŸŸ¨πŸ“ˆ CEO Trades of the Week

The UHAL whale is at it again πŸ’°πŸ³ and a few more buys/sells

Hey all!

Got the code set up to calculate the historic returns these CEOs have on their trades, so we can now see how good the CEOs making these trades have been the previous times they’ve bought their own stock.

CEO Purchases

This one is interesting for 3 reasons: the stock got crushed over the last few weeks because they needed to do a debt offering to raise money; the CEO, General Counsel, and 2 Directors, all purchased stock (a total of ~$500k) after the crash; and all of the Senior Vice Presidents received $1.25M stock grants after not having received stock grants in 4 years.

The company is obviously on some shaky ground right now, so it’s possible that the stock grants are retention grants hoping to keep their Vice Presidents around, but pairing that with the purchases by the execs/directors also hints towards them being confident in the stock price rebounding.

The execs purchased the stock at $12.69 per share. This is only the CEO’s second purchase, the last one was in May of 2022 at $22.85. The stock price did get up to $30 a few months later but has obviously fallen way down since then

(Form 4 link)

The President of UHAL (and two other directors) just keep gobbling up stock. The CEO bought $16M worth of stock at just under $65/share. This puts him at over $75M in purchases in the last month.

He is also a pretty good trader. He has filed 18 Form 4s with purchases and made money on 16 of them with average returns of almost 80%.

The CEO of SOFI just made his 23rd purchase of SOFI. This is by far his biggest. He purchased over $5M worth (all his other purchases were in the low hundred thousands) at a price of $4.42. He has basically been buying throughout the entire 2022 dip, though he took a 6-month break between his last purchase and this one.

Unfortunately for the CEO, the stock has just continued dropping since going public in August of 2021, so he has lost money on every single purchase so far. However, maybe they have finally reached a bottom and that’s why this purchase is over 10x bigger than the rest.

Over the last week and a half, the CEO has been buying up shares for the first time ever. He made his first purchase on December 1st and has made 5 purchases since then including a purchase yesterday. He has purchased ~$1.63M worth of shares at prices between $18.30 and $19.52

CEO Sells

Not a CEO, but one of the largest holders in Certara just sold 100% of their $450M stake in the company. They owned about 20% of the company, so pretty substantial sale.

I’m continuing to build out the tech to get more return data on CEO trades and be able to rank CEOs by their returns. So this newsletter should continue to get better as the weeks go on!


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